Compositor: Markus Stock / Tobias Schönemann
Thousands of years I have seen the Moon
Waxing and waning, vanish at days
Weary and vexed I became all too soon
Of men and his dull and trivial ways
The earth is too small for such as I
The oceans are still and grey yet the sky
The heavens unrolled before my eyes
Just like a scroll I could read from the skies
No secret was kept, no story untold
Knowledge I found in the deepest deeps
At mountains of ice
Atop inky black seas
No beauty unseen
No dream left to dream
Dark fire, grim moons
Cold forests, old doom
For life and death have whispered secretly
To me in ancient runes of wisdom old
And all that men has ever sought to learn
No mystery left for me here to unfold
Let me pass away like a faint smoke flying by
Immerse myself into voids where no dream has ever lived to die
Vanish like the crests of the waves amidst the endless sea
But I might live till the Sun grew cold and ceased to be